Negin is a proud Social Psychologist
Negin has an MSc in Occupational / Organisational psychology also certified in Psychometric / Occupational testing (Level A and Level B).
Negin is interested in individual differences. Her past research projects involve creativity, personality and coping strategies, as well as other variables such as mood / affect.
After becoming a mother, Negin has become interested in the innate communication skills of humans. Negin believes that human innate communication skills have been, and continue to be underestimated and neglected as an area of study within scientific disciplines. Language and verbal communication have replaced the "human communication" methods. All biological beings communicate successfully with each other and especially with their offspring. Humans have successfully forgotten how to do so, and the only way to re-learn the innate communication methods, in my opinion, is to observe our newborns and tune into their signals.
Negin believes in equal rights and freedom of speech, for all humans - of all ages, all genders, everywhere in the world.